Distracted driving is a major contributor to accidents, injuries, and fatalities on the roads.

In a world filled with constant distractions, it’s more important than ever for drivers to stay focused. From mobile phones to mental stress, drivers face a range of distractions that can divert their attention away from the road, with serious consequences.

Keep reading as we explain the dangers of distracted driving and provide simple strategies to help you protect yourself and others on the road.

The reality of driver distractions

Recent data from the Department for Transport shows that driver distractions continue to be a significant issue:

  • 49% of drivers report regularly thinking about arriving on time while driving.
  • 34% think about work whilst on the road.
  • 25% are distracted by thinking about the future.

With these mental distractions, only 30% of drivers focus solely on driving, which presents a significant road safety issue.

The cost of distracted driving

2022 data shows there were 1,711 fatalities on UK roads, along with 29,742 people killed or seriously injured (KSI). Although there has been a slight decline in fatalities compared to pre-pandemic levels, the figures highlight the ongoing dangers of distracted driving. Furthermore, there were five fatalities per billion miles travelled, a slight increase from 2019.

Mobile phones: A persistent danger

Using mobile phones while driving remains one of the most dangerous distractions. In 2021, 440 collisions were caused by drivers using their phones, resulting in 18 fatalities and 108 serious injuries. Although it is illegal to use a handheld phone while driving, the temptation to check a device often outweighs the risks.

Reducing distractions: Practical steps for drivers

To prevent distractions and reduce accidents, drivers should take the following steps:

  1. Clear vehicle clutter: Remove any unnecessary items or rubbish from the vehicle before setting off.
  2. Prepare Sat Nav: Enter destinations before the journey starts, and ensure the Sat Nav is charged.
  3. Music preparation: Preload playlists or set the radio to minimise interaction with controls while driving.
  4. Put phones away: Silence and store phones in the glove compartment to avoid temptation.
  5. Manage passengers: Keep conversations light and avoid heated topics that may distract from the road.
  6. Mental distractions: Clear your mind of stress and if overwhelmed, take a break and use relaxation techniques.

Curb distracted driving with Cardinus

Distracted driving is a serious issue, but it’s also one of the most preventable. By taking practical steps to minimise distractions and adopting a focused approach, drivers can significantly reduce their risk of accidents. Cardinus is committed to improving road safety by supporting businesses and individuals in combating the hazards of distracted driving, ensuring a safer journey for everyone.

Our Healthy Working: Safe Driving program, includes eLearning and in-vehicle training, which focuses on the risks associated with distracted driving. We also have a distracted driving micro-learning video, which reinforces the importance of avoiding in vehicle distractions whilst driving

Contact us to hear how we can improve your fleet’s safety and tackle distracted driving.

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