Alternatively, if you can't access the Continuum system but have access to a printer, you can complete a D906 form. This needs to be completed by hand to be processed.
This can't be processed if there are any crossed out sections or errors.
This form must be completed and signed by you. Nobody else is permitted to give consent on your behalf.
Click here to download the D906 form. If you have submitted a D906 form and are driving a company provided vehicle, you don't need to complete the Continuum driver sign up process. However, if you're using your own private vehicle for your business travel, you'll still need to complete the Continuum driver sign up process after submitting the D906 form because you are required to complete grey fleet (private vehicle) checks via Continuum.
Please submit your completed D906 form to [email protected] including your name and BRID in the subject line of the email. If you are using your own private vehicle for business travel, you need to attach your Certificate of Motor Insurance.