Eco-Driver Training to Improve Fuel Efficiency
Save money on fuel costs by adopting more economical driver behaviours.
Everyone Saves with Fuel Efficient Eco-Driving Training
Fuel efficient eco-driver training teaches employees to drive more economically, saving fleet fuel costs. It also helps to improve driving skills, which drive down insurance and vehicle costs.
How eco-driver training benefits you:
- Reduce fuel costs across the organisation
- Save individuals money on their own private fuel costs and expenses
- Eco-driving behaviours are safe driving behaviours
- Reduce incidents and vehicle damage

Why choose our eco-driving courses:
- In-vehicle driver training is proven to be the best route to positive behaviour change
- Our nationwide network of driver trainers carry out over 6,000 training sessions annually
- Delivered by experienced, qualified trainers
- Drivers can use their own vehicles
Our fuel efficient eco-driving tips for success
1) Check your revs – change up before 2,500rpm (petrol) and 2,000rpm (diesel)
2) Anticipate road conditions and drive smoothly, avoiding sharp acceleration and heavy breaking
3) Use air conditioning sparingly as it significantly increases fuel consumption
4) Drive away immediately when starting from cold – idling to heat the engine wastes fuel and causes rapid engine wear
5) Remove roof rack when not in use as they significantly increase drag
6) Avoid short journeys, a cold engine uses almost twice as much fuel
7) Stick to speed limits and make your fuel go further. Driving at 80mph rather than 70mph uses 10-15% more fuel
8) Plan your journeys to avoid congestion, roadworks and getting lost
9) Check your tyre pressure regularly, under-inflated tyres are dangerous and can increase fuel consumption by up to 3%
10) If you’re stuck in a jam, switch off, cutting the engine will save fuel and stop emissions

Fleet Risk Audit Tool
We provide everything you need to manage your occupational road risk. Our fleet risk management services provide an effective way to reduce your organisation’s occupational road risk.
Click on the button below to complete our free online fleet risk audit to find out where you can improve your organisation’s fleet safety.
Find out more about our Fuel Efficient Eco-Driver Training
Fill out the short form below and we will get back to you as quickly as possible to discuss your requirements, or call +44(0)207 469 0200