In today’s world, smartphones are an integral part of daily life, making it tempting for drivers to check their phones while on the road.

However, this seemingly harmless act poses significant risks. Distracted driving, especially due to mobile phone use, is a major cause of road accidents, leading to numerous injuries and fatalities each year. Fleet managers are crucial in addressing this issue and enhancing road safety.

Keep reading as this article explains how fleet managers can combat distracted driving and the solutions available to help minimise these risks.

The risks of phone use while driving

Using a phone while driving divides a driver’s attention and impairs their ability to react swiftly to changing road conditions. The UK Department for Transport (DfT) reports that in 2022, 2,424 accidents were attributed to driver distraction, including mobile phone use.

Texting while driving is especially dangerous as it involves visual, manual, and cognitive distractions simultaneously. The DfT states that drivers using phones are four times more likely to crash compared to those who do not. When a driver is texting or browsing their phone, they are not only looking away from the road but also using their hands and mental resources for activities unrelated to driving.

The consequences of such distractions are severe. The DfT’s 2022 figures indicate that 450 fatalities and over 3,000 serious injuries resulted from accidents where distraction was a contributing factor. Distracted driving doesn’t only endanger the driver but also puts passengers, other road users and pedestrians at significant risk.

What fleet managers can do

Fleet managers are in a pivotal position to address the issue of distracted driving within their organisations. Implementing effective policies and using advanced technology can significantly reduce the incidence of phone-related distractions. Here are some strategies fleet managers can adopt:

  1. Establish clear policies: Develop and enforce a comprehensive distracted driving policy. This should clearly outline the prohibition of mobile phone use while driving and the consequences for non-compliance. Regularly communicate these policies to drivers through meetings, memos, and training sessions.
  2. Use technology to monitor and enforce: Employ telematics systems to monitor driving behaviors. Advanced telematics can provide real-time data on speeding, hard braking and phone use. By analysing this data, fleet managers can identify patterns and address issues promptly.
  3. Promote awareness and training: Education is a powerful tool in combating distracted driving. Regular training sessions and workshops can help drivers understand the dangers associated with phone use and reinforce safe driving practices.
  4. Incorporate risk management software: Tools like Healthy Working: Safe Driving from Cardinus can significantly enhance fleet safety. This fleet risk management software is designed to identify and mitigate driver risks, including those associated with phone use. By integrating this software into your risk management strategy, you can better monitor, assess and address potential hazards related to distracted driving.
  5. Leverage micro-learning resources: Enhance your training program with micro-learning videos that address key challenges for fleet drivers. Cardinus provides a series of Safe Driving Micro-Learning Videos, which include distracted driving. This video highlights the dangers of using a phone while driving, offering clear and impactful insights to help drivers recognise and avoid this distraction.

Reduce the risk of distracted driving with Cardinus

The statistics highlight the urgent need to address the dangers of using phones while driving. The Cardinus Safe Driving programs, include eLearning and in-vehicle training, which focus on the risks associated with mobile phone use. Our distracted driving micro-learning video provides essential insights in under five minutes, helping to reinforce the importance of avoiding phone distractions on the road. Contact us to hear how we can help improve your fleet’s safety and tackle phone-related driving hazards effectively.

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