Claudia Calder provides tips for the manufacturing sector on how to limit exposure to COVID-19.
If you are in the manufacturing sector, the following tips can help reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and reduce the spread in your workforce.
These tips cover PPE, what to do if workers are sick or registering COVID-19 symptoms, encouraging respiratory etiquette and more. All ensuring that you prevent the spread of infection in your workplace.
The following information covers the ‘Prevent’ section of the PIPR (Prepare, Inform, Prevent, Recover) approach to health and safety management in the post-COVID-19 environment.
Guidance for the Manufacturing Sector on the Prevention of COVID-19
- Encourage workers to stay at home if they are sick
- Provide information on the symptoms and what to do if workers (or a member of their household) think they may have COVID-19
- Establish flexible working hours or staggered shift patterns, if possible
- Practice physical distancing and maintain 2 metres between co-workers, wherever possible
- Where physical distancing is a challenge, consider the following:
- Limiting the duration of these activities and/or developing innovative approaches, such as temporarily repositioning workstations to create more distance
- Have a pairing/buddy system, where the same workers work together
- Monitor government communications about COVID-19 recommendations for the workplace
- Ensure workers receive these communications (or amended versions) and that they understand the information
- If using PPE/RPE, train workers so they know how to use them properly
- How use the PPE/RPE correctly
- Maintenance
- Disposal
- Taking PPE/RPE on/off
- Encourage respiratory etiquette, 'catching' coughs and sneezes
- Encourage good hygiene practices
- If workers do not have access to soap and water for handwashing, provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol
- Provide disinfectants and disposable towels workers can use to clean work surfaces
- Provide information on how to dispose of these items
- Discourage workers from using other people's equipment and tools
- If sharing is required, ensure a cleaning protocol is in place
- Use government recommended cleaning products (or products which state they are effective against COVID-19)
- Provide information on how workers can report any health and safety concerns
The above should bring some clear guidance to preventing the spread of infection, but there’s lots more to consider. For help managing your post-COVID-19 process, take a look at our post-COVID-19 checklist, which considers the below areas:
- Organisation
- Overall
- Safety/Security systems
- Facilities
- Planning