A checklist for facilities staff to help with the return to work process.
As we start to return to work, there are lots of processes facilities teams (building managers) need to consider to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The Return to Work process is an involved set of actions and communications that is going to be difficult to deliver effectively for even the best teams. That’s why we wanted to provide some assistance.
Outlined as part of the Prepare, Inform, Prevent, Recover strategy to Return to Work, this checklist helps you achieve part of the Prevent aspect of the approach.
This handy checklist provides an overview of hygiene measures that will need to be considered to keep your workers safe. It covers hand washing and sanitisation, hand washing facilities and handwashing stations, good hygiene, changing room and shower rooms, and the monitoring and review of hygiene measures.
What’s in the Checklist?
- Are there adequate numbers of handwashing stations?
- Number of workers on site
- Any shift arrangements?
- Entry and exit points
- High traffic areas
- Workers needing to wash their hands, before, during or after the completion of a work task
- The location of the workplace or work tasks
- Will workers be located away from common facilities such as bathrooms?
- Are stations placed in convenient locations to ensure workers can access them easily (and with physical distancing measures in place?)
- Appoint a responsible person to monitor soap dispensers and sanitising stations, and rubbish bins more frequently
Hand Washing Facilities
- Check they are in good working order
- Adequately stocked:
- Clear running water
- Soap or handwash
- Paper towels
- Put up posters to inform workers how to wash their hands correctly and when to wash their hands
Hand Sanitising Stations
- Does the alcohol-based hand sanitiser have at least 60% alcohol content? (60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol)
- Set up stations:
- Entry and exit points to the workplace
- Entry and exit points to common areas/high touchpoints or traffic flows
- Put up posters at each station with instructions on how to sanitise hands correctly and when
Good Hygiene
- Increased access to closed bins
- Signs to request that workers only touch objects they need
- Communicate that workers need to report any flu-like symptoms and to stay away from the workplace and seek medical advice
- Implement/review existing hygiene standards for common areas to ensure workers:
- Clean up after themselves
- Place rubbish in bins provided
- Avoid putting personal items such as phones on meal surfaces
- Have adequate cleaning products
Changing Rooms and Showers
- Setting clear use of showers, lockers and changing rooms
- Cleaning guidance
- Occupant signs (on doors)
- Physical distancing signs
- Keeping the areas clean and clear of personal belongings
- Enhanced cleaning of all facilities
- Start of day
- End of day
Monitor and Review
- Processes in place to regularly monitor and review the implementation of hygiene measures to ensure they are being followed and remain effective
- Hand washing/hand sanitising stations are adequately stocked
- Enable workers to report issues relating to worker hygiene
- Develop infection control policies in consultation with your workers