The mobile workforce and the use of laptops has become increasingly problematic over the past few years.  With the advent of the millennial worker the issue will continue to get worse.

A number of our clients have recently raised a query regarding staff that travel for the majority of the time and work either in client offices or other locations. These employees work entirely on their laptops. How can their employer ensure their employees are set up correctly and prevent the physical problems that arise from poor DSE set-up?

This is really down to two reasons; the first being that we expect a considerable amount of flexibility in the way that we work. New graduate employees are becoming increasingly demanding about flexibility and this is an issue for companies where talent acquisition is so important. The second reason is that graduate employees will be joining organisations with injuries and levels of discomfort already established from using technology socially and during their educational years.

In reality this is a difficult behaviour to remedy as any equipment that requires effort may simply not be used. There is also the issue of weight in carrying additional equipment and, in itself, this can cause back and shoulder problems.  We believe that a company facing this sort of issue will need to focus on education and ensuring users understand the risks, knowing how to identify discomfort and, most importantly, know where to go for assistance.  Communication is key to regulatory compliance.

The new version of Workstation Safety Plus, Healthy Working, launching later this year pays particular attention to mobile working.

In/dse-e-learning/ terms of a practical solution we work very closely with organisations that are truly leaders in the development of innovative and useable ergonomics accessories.  They produce a number of laptop risers that are very lightweight and easy to use.

If this is a problem for you please email or call 020 7469 0200

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