Prevention is Better than the Cure

Bill Pace With musculoskeletal disorders becoming a common feature of working life, and with MSD prevalence increasing, Bill Pace (Cardinus) and Donna De Falco (The Health Enhancement Company) [...]

Memo to Humankind Managers

A Deadly Ethereal Computer Predator is Attacking Your Workers Ian Chong CPE – Certified Professional Ergonomist with Dr. Lynn McAtamney CPE, APAM To: All Managers Date: Now Importance: Higher [...]

Add-on Items in Office Ergonomics

How do you monitor and assess the impact of add-ons in the office? Meghan Kress casts her eye over the recent office additions and asks if we can implement them […]

Stand Up and Be Counted

Health and safety professionals need to learn to value themselves more and realise that their function is essential to the successful running of all businesses, says Jon Abbott. When Lord […]