Fantastic news! We’ve just announced a new Security division headed by expert Andy Neal.
We have acquired the talent and expertise of Protaris founder and expert Andy Neal to head up our new Security division.
This will expand our solutions to cover the risks presented to our clients’ assets and workforce from the increasing work-related threats of lone wolf terrorism, safe travel (national and international) and lone working.
Andy’s existing on-site courses in travel safety, conflict management, hostile environments and responding to the threats of lone wolf terrorism will be enhanced by adding specialist e-learning courses to our suite of health, safety, environmental and compliance courses.
Andy is also an expert in behavioural safety, profiling, and strategic asset protection and has worked for major international organisations.
Andy Hawkes, Cardinus CEO, commented, ‘Having previously worked with Andy and seen his expertise help our clients it was a natural evolution to bring him into the Cardinus family. His expertise and services will help organisations understand where they are most vulnerable and will provide them with tailored training to support employees when travelling and working in unfamiliar and hostile environments as well as providing strategic advice for the protection of assets.’
Andy Neal is a world-leading expert in personal security and to date has advised governments, royal families, major companies and high profile celebrities in a career spanning 22 years. His military background coupled with his understanding of the commercial world is unique and provides the framework for a strong and well-established set of services that will be enhanced by Cardinus’ scope and global reach.
Of this exciting move, Andy Neal stated, “I am delighted to join Cardinus. They have a world class client list and it is clear that security and personal safety is a key risk for organisations and I look forward to working with the team to help their clients manage this increasing risk.’
You can find out more information about this service on our website here. Or, contact us by email at [email protected] or call 0207 469 0200.