Manual Handling for the Office
A specific office-based version of our popular manual handling e-learning program to help you train, educate and risk-assess staff in the office environment.
Educate Staff on Manual Handling in the Office
Manual Handling for the Office provides your employees with training and self-assessment to help them identify and avoid office-based manual handling hazards.
Why choose Manual Handling for the Office?
- Quickly educate large volumes of staff
- Lower levels of injury
- Specific office-based content
- Improve participation rates with our content

Plenty of Features to Power Your Program
- Expert office-based content
- Each course fully customisable
- Available in multiple languages
- Meets all accessibility standards
- Automated email roll-outs
- Easy reporting and management
- Supported by a powerful management system
Simple risk assessment management
Features include:
- Rapidly search training and risk assessment records
- Easily prioritise high risk employees with risk scoring
- Assign tasks and ensure actions are being followed up
- Automated email communications
- Comprehensive reporting module
- Charting and sophisticated statistical reporting
Book Your Free Trial of Manual Handling in the Office
If you prefer a face-to-face approach or want to blend e-learning with practical training our safety consultancy team can provide on-site manual handling training.
We offer a free trial for up to 5% of your workforce on all our e-learning products and services. Fill out the short form below and we will get back to you as quickly as possible to discuss your requirements.