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    Experts on all Subjects:

    We’ve been going for over 20 years. And that means we’ve had over 20 years to nurture and grow our relationships with some of the world’s leading experts across the risk industry. Not only that, but with so long in the industry our own in-house experts are well-respected too. That’s why we get so much industry-leading content to fill our whitepapers, magazines, advisory notices, leaflets and other downloadable content.

    If you sign up to our mailing list you can be sure that you’ll get access to all the latest resources that we create and pass on to you, to help you, the risk professional, keep up-to-date in your industry.

    Here’s Some of the Content We Produce:

    • An industry-leading magazine
    • White papers across all subjects
    • Resource packs for professionals
    • Advisory notices for property managers
    • Ergonomics guidance for students and young people
    • White-labelled checklists, registers and handbooks

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    Of course, we don’t just produce content. We’ve established ourselves on the back of our well-respected risk solutions, such as our DSE risk assessment software Healthy Working, in-vehicle training, fire safety risk assessments and the expertise of our safety consultants. Click the links for more info.

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