Materials Handling Training Course
Our e-learning training course is designed to provide those who manage and lift materials daily with the knowledge they need to reduce risk and injuries in the workplace.
Reduce Materials Handling Injury in the Workplace
Our manual handing online course is an effective way of making sure your workers have the training they need to complete manual handling risk self-assessments which help identify employees and teams at risk of injury. This program is used by hundreds of organizations in the US and across the world – and is professional validated. It’s the perfect option for businesses looking for a flexible way to train workers – either in one sitting or across several sessions.
Why choose our materials handling course?
- Reduces the cost of materials handling programs
- Minimizes workers’ compensation costs
- Increases participation rates and boosts employee engagement
- Identifies high risk areas across your organization

Our materials handling program is feature heavy!
- Help employees to self-assess
- Courses to cover all materials handling risk
- Expert-reviewed content
- Fully customizable
- Content that changes depending upon the needs of your employees
- Content for new and expectant mothers
- Available in multiple languages
- Meets all accessibility standards
- Supports Learning Management System (LMS) integration
Simple risk assessment management:
Rapidly search training and risk assessment records
Easily prioritize high risk employees with risk scoring
Assign tasks and ensure actions are being followed up
Automated email communications
Comprehensive reporting module
Charting and sophisticated statistical reporting
Find out more about our Materials Handling Training
Complete the form below for more information and to start your free trial.